What you get when you book an appointment with me

When you book an appointment with me you can be assured that you will be getting the very best service. Each appointment includes a static and dynamic conformation assessment which can pin point any areas of tension, weakness or discomfort. Followed by a full massage which is tailoured to your horses needs and responses. ou will then received an follow up plan individual for you horse, which will include exercises and stretches specific to helping your horse and improving their way of going.  I am dedictaed to my customers and their horses providing you with much more than just a massage. 

What can I offer you and your horse?

Your First Appointment 
As a new customer I will ask you to fill out a new client questionaire, and discuss your horses history and concerns you may have prior to you first session with me. 
On the day of your appointment  I will perform a static and dynamic assessment of your horses confirmation. 
Once this is complete I will then palpate your horse (have a good feel) to locate any areas of tension or soreness.  
I will then perform a full massage which will include stretches to suit your horse, during the massage I will explain what I am doing and the benefits it is having. 
After the massage,  I will email through to you a full report with a bespoke homework plan for you and your horse. 
This plan will help you to maximise the benefits of the massage and keep your horse in tip top condition between appointments. 
Price £55

Rountine Appointments 

Routine appointments all include, static and dynamic assessement, reassessment of any previous issues, a full massage and stretching routine tailoured to your horse. I will also make any changes to your previous homework plan to suit your horses individual needs.

 Price £50

Rehabilitation Massage Therapy 

Massage therapy can be used during your horses recover and help support them through their rehabilitation journey from box to that first ride. Massage therapy is proven to help reduce healing time, reduce scar tissue, increase flexibility and range of motion. It can also help prevent muscle wastage, improve lymphatic drainage and aid recovery which are hugely important post injury. 
Massage therapy can form part of your horses rehabilitation programme, as a qualified sports and rehabilitation therapist I can work alongside your vet and other equine professional to help get your horse back to full health. 

Price 1st appointment £55 all further appointments £50
Rehabilitation packages can be tailoured made please contact me for these.

Pre & Post Competition massage 

This is ideal for a quick tune up prior to a competition or as part of recovery after an event. In these massages I target the major muscle groups to soften and relax your horse. 
Post competition massage is very effective in aiding muscle recovery and it also helps identify and little niggles that may have occurred during the competition. These can be treated before they develop further, it also helps to remove toxins and lactic acid from the muscle leaving your horse happy an relaxed. 
Please note your horse must have seen me within 8 weeks prior to booking a pre or post competition massage. 

Price £35 book both Pre & Post for £50